• 132 pages, lay-flat spiral-binding, soft cover, digest size: 5.5" x 8.5"
• 761 objects to magnitude 10
• 237 non-Messier or NGC objects, 28 of which are binocular-class
• 197 "city" objects to magnitude 7 are specially highlighted
• 181 double stars and multiple stars
• 262 binocular-class objects with separate symbol
• 122 visual associate connections
• 112 lunar targets
• 78 objects from mag 10.1 to 10.5
• 181 single and red/carbon stars
• 82 maps (constellational, seasonal, insets and groupings) and graphics
• 61 observable northern constellations, arranged alphabetically
• 38 astronomy catalogs are referenced
• 24 photographs by Naoyuki Kurita
• Star Stories bring constellations together for a "big picture" view
• 9 pages featuring the Lunar 100 (and then some) with photos and locations showing when and where to look
• Encyclopedic data on planets, stars, meteors
• Common names list
• Modern Messier list of 110 objects with suggested Marathon constellation order
• Complete object number cross-reference and mapping
• Cross referenced to page numbers in PSA and SA2K
• 211 Galaxies
• 415 Open clusters
• 82 Globular clusters
• 106 Nebulae
• 31 Asterisms
Seasonal maps (example below) display mag7 objects which help you focus on just those which might be seen in binocs or in light polluted skies as well as keeping you oriented with a whole-sky view.
NOTE: Right ascension hours, declination degrees, directional indications, months "on meridian" (directly overhead) and star sizes combine to help the new viewer to become oriented and understand how to read the sky.
Email testimonial:
I recently received a copy of Objects in the Heavens. Thanks again for guiding me away from Amazon (with its 4th edition). I have been studying your book for the last 2 weeks, and I have to say that it has become my favorite astronomy book. I finally have all of the objects I could ever want to find all in one place. In the past I would have to look at 8 - 10 books to gather all of the information you have packed into Objects in the Heavens. You have somehow managed to gather together all of the information I need for a successful viewing session. The organization of the book is superior to any of the 20 or so astronomy books I own. But the greatest single touch is the Mag 7 or brighter / bold notation. This one simple elegant element will simplify my search for the next astronomical object.
Let me give you a quick example of how effective your book is. I have always enjoyed looking at two objects near Aquila. I have spent countless hours trying to determine just what these two open clusters were called. I looked on page 40, and I noticed that ngc6631 and ic4756 were in the exact same spot as my "two unidentified clusters." Last night at 1:30 am I confirmed this. I have looked through every book I own and could not identify these objects - yet, one look at your book led me to solve this mystery.
Thank you for providing me a gold mine of astronomical objects.
David D
[note: OITH is not available on Amazon]
Each constellation spread (example below) presents a list of objects with pertinent details across from its map for easy item location. Stars to mag5 are sized relative to their brightness.
On the far left side of each list, gray lines are used to connect (as much as possible) those objects which are close neighbors so you can find more objects while your 'scope is pointed in a given area.
These simple stories help children of all ages remember more constellations by linking several together in a single tale or grouping. It's fun at a star party for one person to read the story while another traces the the constellations in the sky with a lazer pointer.
THE MOON - Now you'll have a day-by-day list of interesting things to see and learn about the Earth's huge "night light". When the Moon is out and obscuring the Faint Fuzzies, you won't have to cuss and stay inside, frustrated.
Chuck Wood's Lunar 100 (plus 12 more targets of interest) are arranged following the Astro League's lunar day plan, combined with US Naval Observatory photos of the individual days to point out where these targets are located.
Shown here is the new Moon layout starting with OITHv6.5:
"Two weeks ago I received my first copy of Objects in the Heavens. I had heard about it earlier, as I am a frequent reader and poster on Astronomy Forums and Joe Lalumia there mentions OITH quite often, but at the time it seemed too much for me. But then I saw an ad for it in the latest issue of The Reflector and checked it out again. I have only been "looking up" for a little over two years. Now I felt I was ready for this guide. All I can say is that it exceeded my expectations and has quickly become my constant companion as I plan sessions.
"In order to keep my interest going in astronomy and to add some structure to my viewing, I joined a couple of the Astronomical League's clubs. I tried to find some DSOs using my limited sources at that time and had no success. But with OITH, I found objects immediately! The notes as to which page in the S&T and PSA are very helpful, as between your book and the PSA, I am ready to successfully hunt down these elusive targets.
"I really enjoy the format of the book and the layout. Now I can look up a constellation and learn what objects and wonders are there. So Thank You for putting this fieldbook together and making it available to us."
- Eric Johnson